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Who we are
We are ... sinners saved by God's grace. None of us are perfect.
We have ... all fallen short of His perfect plans for our lives but Jesus has saved us.
We seek ... to be shaped for God, because He loves us faithfully and unconditionally.
We worship Him in the Episcopal tradition but with upbeat music from contemporary to traditional. You will hear styles ranging anywhere from Chris Tomlin and Hillsong to Amazing Grace and How Great Thou Art.
Feel free to engage in worship. Everyone does this in their own unique way.  Singing, clapping, raising their hands, or quietly reflecting on the message in the song — we encourage you to do whatever comes from the heart.

What we believe

Our church believes the only truth that brings lasting fulfillment, clear purpose, and true joy is this: God made all people to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. God made us for Himself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.
We believe the church goes far beyond walls of a building, and our love of Jesus is shown in many ways throughout Sarasota County. If you want to see how that belief has shaped our church community, we encourage you to join us at any of our services.


When we meet
We gather at different times for encouragement, lending a hand, and prayer- all for the purpose of building each other up in God's love and sharing it through our city and to our neighbors. We have several gathering times monthly and weekly that you could plug into. 
Where we worship
Located between Venice and Sarasota, Osprey is a vibrant, growing community surrounding the bay. (See Map) 
Where we worship
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