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Sunday Worship Times


9:00 am   Women’s Breakfast Club
Location: Eggstraordinary Breakfast & Lunch Cafe, 2282 Tamiami Tr. North, Nokomis.

Meets the First Monday of Each Month
Come and share prayers, fellowship and have a discussion on women’s issues.
Please contact Sandy Joseph at 941-544-5379 for details.

9:00 am  Garden Team

Join us as we tend to the landscaping needs of the church. No experience necessary! Contact Sandy Kreidler at 941-365-4246 if you are available to help.


5:30 pm  Reunion Group
Zoom Video Call

This group offers personal time for prayer and share of life's joys and sorrows, as well as accountability to Christ's call for study, piety and action.  Contact Sally Allen at 413-822-1160 for details.



10:00 am Morning Prayer

In Person & Streaming Live on Facebook
Become more free in Christ, mature in knowing God through video series, discussion, reflection and reading. Teaching notes, and interactive discussion make up this time together in God’s Word.​



7:00 pm  Night of Worship: Healing Prayer & Praise Night

Meets the First Friday of the Month

In Person & Streaming Live on Facebook

"Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17

On the first Saturday of each month, all are welcome to seek healing from God through faith in Jesus Christ. Spend time praising the Lord and come expecting Jesus to bless you in the midst of whatever difficulty you may have.



8:00 am  Man Up Men's Group

In Person at CHS
Gather with fellow brothers in Christ for biblical devotion and fellowship the second Saturday of each month.
  Contact Phil Allen at 413-770-7002 for details.



10:00 am Worship Service
In Person & Streaming Live on Facebook

Celebrate the risen Lord in praise, prayer, and presence through music, God's word, and the breaking of bread. Planned children and youth activities are available ages 6-16. Personal and confidential healing prayer is available by our prayer team at the front of the sanctuary during communion.


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