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Who we are
Our loving church is a casual group of friends and family from different walks of life united in our faith.  We are grateful to our Father God, who has so loved imperfect people such as ourselves that He would give His only Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us from our sin and help us to live new lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.

2024 Vestry

The Vestry is the representative of the parish with regard to all matters of the church. The below Vestry members were elected at the annual parish meeting on January 28, 2024. Sally Allen was selected as Senior Warden. The Senior Warden leads the parish between Rectors and is a support person for the Rector. Our Junior Warden is Lee Mathews and the responsibility for the Junior Warden is to oversee the church property and buildings and steps in when the Senior Warden is unavailable.  Karen Dolan is our Treasurer and Clerk.

The basic responsibilities of the Vestry are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church’s mission by word and deed, to select the Rector, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances.

Sally Allen, Senior Warden
    Phone: 413-822-1160
Lee Mathews, Junior Warden

Karen Dolan, Treasurer & Clerk
    Phone: 941-539-6500
Deb Lorshbough
Lee Mathews
Bob Mongillo
Marion Palmatier
Joe Platenik, III
Pam Thompson


Gerry Gardner, Lay Pastor

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Gerry Gardner is a long-time member of Church of the Holy Spirit. She is an ordained Chaplain with the International Fellowship of Chaplains and is a chaplain with Tidewell Hospice in Sarasota. Gerry is a gifted teacher, prayer minister, and author. Her book, “Hearts That Matter Much” is a powerful resource for parents and other adults who care for the emotional needs of children and youth. Gerry has over 28 years of experience in inner healing ministry and previously served as the senior pastor at Community Gospel Chapel on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia.  Gerry and her husband Scott are the founding directors of Compelled by Grace – A Global Ministry.  The passion for their ministry is found in Hebrews 12:15 – “…that no one misses the grace of God.”


Jessica Safley, Administrative Assistant

Phone: 941-966-1924
Office Hours: Tuesdays-Thursdays, 9:30 am to 4:00 pm


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